3 tips to relax your child and let them "just be"

3 tips to relax your child and let them "just be"

How often do you find yourself able to just "be". No bottled up energy. No worries. Less stress. Those moments are precious, right? Now put yourself in a child's shoes. Whether it's academic stresses, social situations, or anxiety, children need the opportunity to just "be" as much as we do. But how do we actually DO it? Here are 3 ideas on how kids yoga can help your child release a good amount of energy + re-focus + find their own sense of calm. "Just be."

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Butterfly Kids Yoga. Breathe. Smile. Fly.

Butterfly Kids Yoga. Breathe. Smile. Fly.

Today I flew. Today I had the privilege to teach yoga to 48 kids as part of a school session. Today was awesome. I hope I made a positive impact on those kids today. I hope I showed them that children's yoga can be fun, energizing, and at times even silly. I hope I showed them how to breathe and relax, how to smile and laugh, and how to fly and be stronger. I hope I did all those things, and maybe for just a couple minutes I gave them the opportunity to "just have fun and be lost in just being a kid."

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