Permission to unplug

I heard a really good analogy during a recent athletes class, led by our own Heidi Rasmussen. We were talking about how yoga offers the opportunity to move, stretch and exercise...but also the opportunity to shut it all down. Easy to say to kids, but hard to grasp sometimes. So then she said, "Think about your cell phone, or your parents cell phone. What do they tell you to do when there is just TOO MUCH going on with it and it freezes up? They tell you to shut it down. Turn it all off, let it rest, and then restart."

Heads nod and I even heard, "Ohhhh yeah!"

Makes complete sense, right? It's the exact same concept for us as parents and for our kids. When things are just so busy and it becomes too need to be able to turn it all off. Shut it down. Recenter and reset. 

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It's that concept that makes yoga such a unique activity. It's that unspoken permission to unplug. And sometimes in class when I can literally SEE a child just let it all go, sigh it all out, and just be...I know that they've given themselves that permission to unplug. Really powerful stuff.

I came across this great article from the American Academy of Pediatrics that puts it all in perspective and ties it all together. I love it.

Cheers to yoga for that chance to unplug, my friends. Hope to see you in class soon!


Tuesday 6pm Adult Class

"Refresh and Restore". Tuesday, 9/11 @ 6PM with Christy Lesher. Don't forget to check out our BOGO pass if your kids are taking the kids class next door! Enroll here

Tuesday 6pm Kids Class

Ages 5-12. Tuesday, 9/11 @ 6PM with Miss Ali. Don't forget to check out our BOGO pass if you are taking the adult class next door! Enroll here

Girls Yoga & Private Shopping

Sunday, 9/16 @ 9:30am at Athleta Eastview Mall. Complimentary girls yoga, healthy eats, private shopping, 20% off discounts, raffle prizes and a great morning out! RSVP here.

Yoga for Athletes (youth)

Sunday, 9/16 @ 4PM. Awesome class led by 2 certified instructors. Mobility, flexibility, strengthening, breath work and more for youth athletes (ages 8-13). Enroll here.