Yoga 170 Live classes -- begin today

Hi everyone,

I hope that you are doing well and everyone is healthy and safe. It goes unsaid how incredibly difficult this time is and how unprecedented the situation is.

It’s unreal how our worlds, our kids worlds, and well — pretty much everything — have been turned upside down. So today I’m writing to let you know that between Yoga 170 and Butterfly Kids Yoga, we’re looking to provide a way for everyone to take classes from home.

Yoga 170 Live
Today, we are going to begin offering online “live” classes called Yoga 170 Live. We are calling it this since the goal is to keep our community connected, keep practicing yoga, and stay uplifted together. Our first class will be later today, at 4pm, with Molly.

Butterfly Kids Yoga
I would also love to offer Butterfly Kids Yoga Live classes and pre-recorded classes, so I'm working on that! Please stay tuned. In the meantime, Dennis from our Yoga for Athletes team is leading a class on Sunday at 3pm — great for adults, teens or older athletes looking to get some movement in!


Keeping us connected.
Yoga 170 Live classes will be just that. Live to you at home. We did it this way with community in mind. So, as you join in to the class online, you will be able to say hi to your instructor and see them — and they can do the same back. Or, if you prefer to practice yoga in your PJs and not be seen, you can do that. Zero judgement, we promise.

You will see your instructor from the studio — just 1 instructor leading class. A familiar setting, a comforting place. We hope this allows you the time to reconnect and enjoy the moment. 

It's 100% free.
All Yoga 170 Live classes are free. You will need to sign up online for each class so we can provide you with the best experience and manage it correctly, but there will never be a charge. There will be a way to leave a contribution if you would like -- but that is completely optional. Every class is free.

It's about the experience (but we aren't perfect!)
This is new to us too! We've been working hard, testing this, and hope you enjoy classes. But who knows what little bumps may occur -- we hope you can take it in stride with us. In addition, the studio remains closed — we are social distancing and following all safety guidelines set by officials.

Other important notes.
If you plan on joining from your computer or laptop, class is just a click away. If you plan on joining from your phone or tablet, you will need to download the Hangouts Meet by Google app (free) in advance of class. You only need to do this once — and it’s only necessary if you’ll be using your phone or tablet.

We're taking things slow and planning classes a few days at a time. Just look for “Live” classes on the Yoga 170 schedule.

If you have Yoga 170 passes in your account, those are all frozen until we physically reopen. All monthly memberships will not renew until we reopen.

Butterfly Kids Yoga
Again, please stay tuned for more info — you may soon have yours truly on your screens :)

My hope is that we can stay connected, keep practicing, keep our heads high and our hearts full. We'll get through this together!

Our first Yoga 170 Live class is TODAY at 4pm. If you are interested, please click here to sign up.

With much gratitude,