Butterfly "Movement Breaks" at home yoga

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and that you are making the best of this challenging situation. I know most of us are hunkered down and looking for ways to keep our kids active, engaged, and happy. To help with this in a small manner, I wanted to share with you a few free Butterfly Kids Yoga “movement breaks” — available to you now.

My hope is that this gives your kids a chance to move, breathe, and enjoy yoga at home. They are short clips intended to provide a quick movement break (yoga-style) for both little yogis and older kids too. This is my first go at a YouTube channel, so as Jimmy Fallon says, “Make sure to hammer the likes!”

I’ll be sure to add more content as soon as I can :)

Click here or on the image below to learn more.


And if you’ve been taking advantage of our Yoga 170 free online classes, we are incredibly grateful and humbled to have so many people joining us for online yoga. I’m hopeful that each class gives YOU a chance to move, breathe, and find perspective during these challenging times.

Click here or on the image below for upcoming Yoga 170 online classes. Free to you, always.


Sending you postitivity, continued good health, and peace for the week ahead.

With gratitude,
