Our most popular class is BACK!

Our most popular class is BACK!

Raise your hand if you remember how amazing it was to take a great class for YOURSELF while your kiddos were in the room next door enjoying their own yoga class?


And….it’s back! 🎉
I am very excited to announce that beginning this Wednesday, 11/17, we will be offering a Barre Flow class next to our Butterfly Kids Yoga class. Same time, separate classes. It’s magical! ✨

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"Our kids need yoga just as much as we do."

"Our kids need yoga just as much as we do."

Wow. This really made me pause when a parent said this to me last week. It brought me back to the very start of Butterfly Kids Yoga and how this was the very idea that started it all. I remember feeling so good, physically and mentally, after my yoga classes, and I wanted this for my kids. And so it all began!

Our kids are benefiting from yoga and mindfulness just as much as we are. I wanted to just take a moment to thank you for being a part of Butterfly Kids Yoga and for giving your children such a gift.

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